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Saturday and 50 Shades of Grey
Saturday, February 2, 2013 posted at 2/02/2013 06:09:00 PM ♥ 0 comments

I've been neglecting my blogging duties. There were a lot of things going on this week. For one, I was promoted, but still getting the hang of it. So I will catch up do some posting. :D

Anyway, for this Saturday, I will try to read 50 Shades of Grey...Okay I know. I'm way too late for this fab. I think everyone I know read the book, and there have been debates on E.L James' novel. Many say that it is crap, but a lot of reader thought that it was a great book. And of course, the endless chit-chat who will play the coveted role of Christian Grey and Ana Steele.

From what I heard, this book is definitely not shy when it comes to sex, the talks of S & M and seduction. And yes, the on-going issue that it is a fan fiction book, which questions it's originality. I don't know what the hell fan fiction is. According to Wikipedia, broadly-defined fan labor term for stories about characters or settings written by fans of the original work, rather than by the original creator.

It piqued my curiosity, so I will try to cannibalize the book this weekend and give my thoughts on it.

How about you? What are your thoughts on this?
